Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have lots of them. So we answered some of the most asked questions below.

How does the 7 day free access to Vectoryte platform work?

Vectoryte offers 7 day free access to our platform from the time we setup your account. When 7 day free trial comes to an end, just add your billing details to continue your subscription or simply contact us and we will guide you through the process.

Will I be able to add additional users or participants as and when my business grows?

Our flexible plans are tailor made to suit your business needs. You can add as many additional users or participants you like or upgrade to a suitable subscription with added features!

What type of support will I receive?

You will receive email support as per the subscription plan you have chosen. You will also receive access to our Knowledge Base which contains wealth of information about our features.

What are your support hours?

Our support hours for all subscription plans are Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm AEST.

How secure is Vectoryte?

We take security seriously. In fact, security is in our DNA. Our platform is built on top of most secured cloud providers like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. All our data is stored locally in Australian data centres.

Can I download or export my data?

Yes, of-course. Vectoryte makes it really easy to get your data out. Vectoryte provides simple tools that will let you download or export any of your data.

Are there any upfront costs?

No! we won’t ask for your payment details unless you decide to subscribe after the trial.

What fees will I be charged?
  • Your monthly subscription fee
  • Additional users
  • Additional participants
  • SMS credits (optional)
As an account owner will I get charged?

Yes, account owner is counted in the user licenses.

What is your refund policy, just in case I decide to cancel my subscription

You may cancel your subscription any time and you won't be charged. Your outstanding subscription amount and any optional fees will be settled on the day you cancel your account.

Is there a minimum contract term?

No, you can cancel your subscription at any time and you won’t be billed again.

What payment types are accepted?

We accept credit or debit card payments. We also provide online direct debit authorizations from your bank. Let us know if you’d like to pay any another way.

Let's start talking

To find out more about how Vectoryte can help you improve productivity, scale operations and save costs, contact us today.

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